✦ Admissions open for Web Development Winter Crash Course ✦   ✦ Book Your Free Demo Now  ✦   ✦ Limited Seats ✦   
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Level 1 : Basics of Web Development

This web development basics course for kids is an easy way for students to enter the world of coding. It is an ideal course for beginners who are new to the world of programming and are excited to build something of their own. Here, students will learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (basics) which are the essential tools for building basic websites.

Students will create their first website from the very basics by understanding how web pages are structured and styled. They will use HTML to build the website structure and add content, CSS to make websites look good, and JavaScript to make them interactive. By the end of the course, students will have built their projects, gained confidence, and developed a curiosity for technology. It’s a great way for kids to begin their journey into the world of coding by seeing their creations right in front of their eyes.


4 months

Start Date
Announcing Soon

Grades 5-12

Live Classes
Twice a week

Class Duration
2 Hours

Doubt session
At the end of every class


Live Classes
Twice a week

Class Duration
2 Hours

Doubt session
At the end of every class


Course Lessons

Week 1: Introduction to Web Development
  • Overview of web development
  • Basics of HTML: structure and syntax
Week 2: Advanced HTML Techniques
  • HTML Forms and Tables
  • Multimedia elements in HTML
  • Semantic HTML for better structure
Week 3: Introduction to CSS
  • Basic styling with CSS
  • CSS selectors, properties, and values
Week 4: CSS Layout Fundamentals
  • Understanding the CSS Box Model
  • Basic layout techniques with CSS

Week 1: Advanced CSS Layout Techniques
  • Advanced positioning and layout strategies
Week 2: CSS Grid Layout
  • Fundamentals of CSS Grid
  • Creating complex grid-based designs
Week 3: Responsive Web Design
  • Techniques for making websites responsive
  • Media queries and mobile-first design principles
Week 4: Final Project: Build Your First Projects and Master Uploading Them to GitHub
  • Personal portfolio website applying HTML and CSS skills
  • Google Clone (Using HTML and CSS)

Week 1: Final Project Enhancement
  • Develop advanced projects: Google Clone using HTML and CSS

Week 2: JavaScript Basics
  • Introduction to JavaScript: history, evolution, and basic syntax
  • Hands-on coding exercises

Week 3: JavaScript Control Flow and Functions
  • Understanding control flow statements
  • Creating and using functions
  • Hands-on coding exercises

Week 4: DOM Manipulation
  • Techniques for manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Practical exercises for dynamic content updates

Week 1: Dynamic Calculator Project
  • Build a functional calculator application with JavaScript

Week 2: Weather App Project
  • Develop a weather application with real-time data integration

Week 3: Live Character Counter App Project
  • Create an application that counts characters in real-time

Week 4: Snake Game Project
  • Design and implement a classic Snake game using JavaScript

Course Lessons

Week 1: Introduction to Web Development
  • Overview of web development
  • Basics of HTML: structure and syntax


Week 2: Advanced HTML Techniques

  • HTML Forms and Tables
  • Multimedia elements in HTML
  • Semantic HTML for better structure

Week 3: Introduction to CSS

  • Basic styling with CSS
  • CSS selectors, properties, and values

Week 4: CSS Layout Fundamentals

  • Understanding the CSS Box Model
  • Basic layout techniques with CSS

Week 1: Advanced CSS Layout Techniques

  • Advanced positioning and layout strategies


Week 2: CSS Grid Layout

  • Fundamentals of CSS Grid
  • Creating complex grid-based designs

Week 3: Responsive Web Design

  • Techniques for making websites responsive
  • Media queries and mobile-first design principles


Week 4: Final Project: Build Your First Projects and Master Uploading Them to GitHub

  • Personal portfolio website applying HTML and CSS skills
  • Google Clone (Using HTML and CSS)

Week 1: Final Project Enhancement

  • Develop advanced projects: Google Clone using HTML and CSS

Week 2: JavaScript Basics

  • Introduction to JavaScript: history, evolution, and basic syntax
  • Hands-on coding exercises

Week 3: JavaScript Control Flow and Functions

  • Understanding control flow statements
  • Creating and using functions
  • Hands-on coding exercises

Week 4: DOM Manipulation

  • Techniques for manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Practical exercises for dynamic content updates

Week 1: Dynamic Calculator Project

  • Build a functional calculator application with JavaScript

Week 2: Weather App Project

  • Develop a weather application with real-time data integration

Week 3: Live Character Counter App Project

  • Create an application that counts characters in real-time

Week 4: Snake Game Project

  • Design and implement a classic Snake game using JavaScript

Admissions Open Soon!


₹6,000/month ₹4,000/month

Limited Time Offer!

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